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Tag: Workers Compensation Insurance

3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses

3 New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses

2023 is almost upon us, along with the long-held tradition of New Year’s resolutions. For individuals, after a season of parties, food, holiday cookies, cakes, and drinks, resolutions about losing weight are a common theme – but what about small business owners?  The New Year is the ideal time to set goals for the year, establish a workable plan to achieve those goals, and evaluate...

How To Control Workers' Compensation Costs

How To Control Workers' Compensation Costs

Workers' compensation has become a major contributing factor to the cost of business insurance. Premiums are high for many types of businesses, and the additional costs associated with employee injuries can be staggering. However, business owners are not as helpless as they may feel in controlling the cost of workers' compensation insurance. Our knowledgeable agency is available to assist with loss control in several different...

3 Myths About Workers’ Compensation

3 Myths About Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation insurance is essential for any business with employees. Unfortunately, myths about workers’ compensation coverage abound. These misconceptions can have an impact on the overall success of your business. The following are some of the most common myths among business owners concerning workers’ compensation insurance: My Business Is Small with Low Risk of Injury, So I Don’t Need Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Regardless of the...

Avoiding Workers’ Comp Fraud

Avoiding Workers’ Comp Fraud

Workers’ compensation fraud can be expensive for employers. One of the most common types of workers’ comp fraud is employee fraud. This involves workers who seek to receive benefits under false pretenses.  How Do Employees Commit Workers’ Comp Fraud? Employees have been known to commit several types of fraud to obtain workers’ compensation, including: Off-the-job injury: An employee is injured on his own time, but...

What Business Insurance Do I Need for Remote Employees?

What Business Insurance Do I Need for Remote Employees?

Far more people are working from home now than ever before. In fact, working remotely has become the new normal as of 2020. This arrangement has many benefits for both employers and workers. But it is important for companies that now have remote employees to update their business insurance policies. Why Is It Critical to Update Your Business Insurance for Remote Employees? Employees who work...

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Barrett & Associates, Indianapolis